Posts tagged Female Founders
3 Decision-Making Frameworks in Every Successful Founder’s Toolkit

Many of us, who are able, are settling into the reality of working from home for the foreseeable future. For founders, that may mean transitioning from an office, a shared workspace, a favorite cafe, or another environment that we’ve found conducive to our individual needs around productivity. Working from home and in isolation can bring a number of barriers to maintaining that same level of focus and efficiency. (If you’re in San Francisco like us, it probably means working at home with your five to ten roommates, which presents a whole array of different challenges and opportunities).

Thus, we thought it a good time to revisit a few frameworks that we teach in our Startup Program (link), and that we founders can use to identify priorities, create structure, and set ourselves up for productivity in any work environment.

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Starting a Company? A Woman’s Guide to Top Entrepreneurship Courses, Accelerators and Bootcamps

Take a breath, perhaps open your Headspace app. You’ve got this! Starting a new business can be overwhelming and it’s not unusual to feel intimidated and directionless when you just start out (and frankly, throughout the company-building process). Fortunately, there are a number of different courses and programs out there to help you get your startup legs under you and to enable you to make the most of your valuable time (we get it, you have a full-time job, perhaps caregiving responsibilities, a social life, and a self-care routine to maintain).

I’m going to walk you through different types of entrepreneurship-education programs and help you navigate which ones are best for you, given the stage that you’re in, type of company you’re building, learning preferences, and program costs.

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Avoid this Common Startup Mistake and Save Thousands

We’ve all heard the common reasons why startups fail: run out of cash, co-founder conflict, legal challenges, major pivots. But do you know reason numero uno? According to a 2018 study by CB Insights that looked at over 101 startup post-mortems, the №1 reason for failure was, in fact, failing to solve a market need. So before spending thousands of dollars hiring a developer, building a beautiful, multi-feature solution, and spending hours-on-end trying to raise money, apply our five step plan; We guarantee you’ll gain the insight you need to build the right foundation for your company (and save major time and cash)! Read on link.

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